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There is an excerpt below the link.
Table of Contents (without page numbers listed)
Chapter 1: Education
Chapter 2: Health Care
Chapter 3: Military
Chapter 4: Government
Chapter 5: Economy
Chapter 6: Religion
Chapter 7: Food Production
Chapter 8: Energy Production
Chapter 9: Artistry
Chapter 10: Language
Chapter 11: National Identity
Chapter 12: Racial Identity
Chapter 13: Gender
Chapter 14: The Sacred Earth
Chapter 15: Cosmic Consciousness
Chapter 16: Yahweh
Information About the Author
Below is an excerpt from pages 5-13. It includes the introduction and the first chapter which deals with education. Enjoy!
As a lover of wisdom, my path has led me through multiple disciplines, from the sciences, philosophy, literature, the arts and religiosity, among others. As a seeker of wisdom I have found a fount in the unseen, the unsung, the unspoken. I have come to understand that understanding is not rooted in language, but provides a root for which language hath sprung out of. I have seen humanity embroiled in disagreement and dispute, hinged on a singular root, enveloped in a Cosmic Embrace.
This book is intended to enunciate the values and understandings which shall buttress a New Union, of the Kingdom of God on Earth, of the True Zion rising, or New Atlantis. This book shall inspire an Atlantean Council, and a fervent love amongst humanity to create one concordance which reflects the unity of the Cosmos. I will cover several subjects to enunciate the New Union. This is more than just a prospectus, but a plea for humanity to unite and come unto Oneness. Subjects which will be covered are Education, Health Care, Military, Government, Economy, Religion, Food Production, Energy Production, Artistry, Language, National Identity, Racial Identity, Gender, The Sacred Earth, Cosmic Consciousness and Yahweh. These will be chapters of the book, jettisoning you into a New Era, transforming your consciousness forever. The chapters build upon themes in an organic unfolding and often resurface in multiple chapters, adding new layers to the themes. This is The Golden Fleece: The Coming Cosmic Age. All thanks and praise is due unto God.
Chapter 1: Education
Education is by far the most important part of this New Union. The transformation required within each individual can be facilitated by the inundation of Cosmic values within educational institutions from Kindergarten unto Post Graduate work. The question at hand is how to institute Cosmic values which are by their very nature transcendent of rigid frameworks. The true nature of the Cosmos is interdependent and spiritual. The Cosmic order is symphonic and interlaced, with many layers intertwined seamlessly. Ecosystems are enmeshed in ecosystems, and solar systems inside of galaxies. The Universe is rich and varied, but integrated and unified. The very essence of this foundation is its unity. Cosmic values evince the true nature of the universe as One.
Once students understand the underlying unity of the Cosmos, they may see patterns repeating in places once overlooked. They will be less smitten with tribalism and more interested in the commonalities which persist across broad swaths. This will naturally incite innovation and lead kids unto their true Cosmic potential, seeing themselves in the shape of a leaf, in the eye of a praying mantis, and in their fellow human being.
The tensions which are now emboldened and accentuated in our current order will naturally ease as kids and adults begin to understand their Cosmic identity. This will facilitate the opening of borders and intensify the desire of humans to create structures which reflect this unity. It will facilitate the ending of conflict on a nuclear and macro level.
Cosmic Consciousness will be the promoted consciousness rather than nationalistic, racialized, or other partisan and sectarian values which promote interest groups. Through the understanding of our shared destiny we will naturally correct all societal flaws in every sector. Every emaciated population will be rushed aid. Oppression will cease. Wars will stop.
The Healing of the Nations is simply understanding our Oneness, and through education we will find our biggest boon.
Education should be completely free and available to all citizens of this New Union, which is all of humanity. Education will be funded by the state and governed by the Atlantean Council elected by the society at large, in a global election. All persons 13 and older will be able to vote for this council. It will consist of a body of 21,000 individuals ratioed from each province, organically grown. For the projection of population in the near future, on a scale of 10 billion people…that’s roughly 1 person for every 500,000. For instance, in the state of California at roughly 40 million, if the population stays stagnant until we reach 10 billion, that is roughly 80 representatives. These representatives voted organically from each region will serve in the Atlantean Council to oversee educational curriculum. This Atlantean Council will, in effect, be the leadership of global governance on Earth. The Atlantean Council is reselected every 5 years. Individuals can hold seats on the council up to two terms.
This council will be headed by a Chief Executive voted from among the 21,000 officials by the Global populace. This executive will organize different task forces to design various aspects of the curriculum from Kindergarten unto Graduate Work. Cosmic Consciousness will be the ethos. This Chief Executive will hold the title of Imhotep, named after the great polymath of Ancient Egypt. This will serve to also inspire the framework of education as something which can praise the Divine as well as create material wealth and benefit.
(c) 2023 Johnathan Abraham Antelept