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There is a description and an excerpt of one poem below the link.


In dedication to the Great God who is known by many names and who is referred to by many names in this book…The Great God is the True God, the Universal Force, and Creator of the Cosmos. With one God there is one Universe…one Earth and one people. In alignment with God, there is love, life and fruit. Through a respect for our unity, we find a responsibility for Earth. And in our community as one, we find society with justice. All praise is due unto El Elyon! The Living One…who gaveth life to the tree of life.

Many and great have been the names of the Great God. Amun Ra, Aten, Ahura Mazda, Elohim, El Elyon, El Shaddai, Ahia, Yahweh, Elaha, Allah, Brahma, Krishna, The Tao, Wakan Tanka, and many other names have been used to refer to the Ultimate Almighty Force.

Hymns to the Great God draws from various traditions in its expression of praise to the Great God. It contains 25 pieces (hymns, poems and psalms).

Sample Poem from Page 35-36:

Within the Gates of Zion

Zion’s gates
Shoot open like lakes,
With flowing herbs,
Spinaches and watermelons…
Honeydew oozes on shoes
Of God’s Children.

Walking in the wilderness
Thorns have stuck in them,
But balms are made ready
For the healing of wounds.

In Zion’s gates…
Lithe dancing forms,
Sing jubilant praise to El Elyon…

By the Lute and the Lyre,
By the fire Ahura,
By the morning Ra Rising,
By the tempest of Shiva,
By the winds of The Spirit,
By the Everliving Well
Lovers tell tales
And paint poems with kisses…

Under the Ceiba
A psalm came to him,
And lit him aflame
Like Mount Sinai lightning,
Melting the frost
On frost bitten hands
From Babylon’s ice…
In Zion’s fair gates
The warmth overflows!

The moon is enlightening.
Looking at you,
Like Yahoshua speaking
The Spirit of Truth…

Your skin is so radiant,
Blue like the ocean
Beneath the deep league…

An archway revealed unto Love has come forth,
Lovers! Abandon the fields of your toil!
To frolic on grasses with honeydew oozing!

We called unto you!
You listened intently.
Guiding us through turbulent seas…
Through dark marshes teeming
With crocodile and hippo,
Smiting Seth and resurrecting Osiris!

Your blue ozones beam streams
Of a Kingdom Supreme,
Of Golden Castles glistening
Atop Zion’s peak,
With the Children of God,
From all corners of Earth
Singing praise to the force which animates all.


(c) 2018 Johnathan Abraham Antelept