As easy as an effortless breeze beyond the trees aspiring, but with no aspiration. One single vegetation. One single organization. One single amalgamation. One hodgepodge allocation to provide to all location. All sentient life vibration. One wellspring. One selection. One single wave connection. One precious lifestream streaming. One bountiful beauteous being. Elohim.
One single beautiful season. One single rooted Tree. One triumphant trumpet sounding. One mountain. One Canyon with the sound of the shophar resounding. One single stray deer, prancing through the pastures. Raise the chalice to the rafters. Raise the Love from deep within thee. Our love shall be our staple…boundless, even circumvent infinity…endless. Loving our Creator, and loving our neighbor.
Place thy hand in hand, we shall see the Mountain Zion whether in Jerusalem or on new soil. We shall see its coming. Its arrival like a UFO sighting…incredulous to the people. Wipe the tears from thy eyes and smile. Transcending every scripture. Transcending every text. Transcendence is the fragrance. God is the Greatest.
Testaments pour from ethers, the halcyon speech of Angels, settles on the landscape. As my Father hath instructed to live on Earth in Peace. To eat from fragrant forests and give thanks with luscious feasts. Plenteous the portion for the Benjamin meeting Joseph. The question is forgiveness. The question is absolution.
A new day in Cosmic Time is dawning with this Kingdom. Eternal, Ancient, of an Everlasting bastion for the saints, for the sages, for the prophets. Blessings unto martyrs’ souls taken in this struggle. No longer shall we struggle, but feast the fruit of Moksha. From cocoons emerging, wings to soar out over mountains and drink from freshest springs…seeing humanity in unity.

Truly, truly this is a template, but a luminescent blueprint. A lovely filament lit aglow in the alcove of the night. Through the pain and troubling trial, a Magi flame alight. From ancient Earth discovered, revered again once more. Uncovered and assembled. The helm shall be for lovers. Through the Cosmic lights surrounding, journeying through space. The Destiny of the Cosmos.
There is no such thing as Europe, as Africa, as Asia, as America, etc. But rather these are names given by humanity. We must return to primordial pristine consciousness and understand our unity. I propose America merge into the United Nations, and every nation merge into the United Nations, as a federation of nations with open borders. Which nation will be the first nation to dismantle their military as a message and act of good faith that others will follow?
I see humanity filed in peacefully from coast to coast looking up towards the singular rising sun. I see a harmonious order. Humanity shall be birthed anew…reborn…fresh from the womb again. Pristine in sentiment, cleansed of all illness, open to their brothers and sisters from every land. One Land. One Nation.
We are one people, and there is one Law. Therefore, there is one order. This order is not propounded to be despotic, but liberative. Open thy consciousness to the streaming goodness of the Allness. Free thyself from the fetters of myriad illusions. Breathe the fresh air of primordial gnosis. The one infinite Cosmos is in you. It is you. God is the Greatest.
Create and innovate…gift thy gifts unto us. Let us share the bountiful blessings of The One.
-Johnathan Abraham Antelept- Founder