Cosmic Consciousness. Christ Consciousness. Buddha Consciousness. Gnosis. Nirvana. Moksha. Enlightenment. The halcyon rivers flow by the fields of golden sashes, whistling wondrously in the wind. What kind of consciousness does our public educational institution in America teach? What type of identity does it help to foster and grow?
The Universe is interrelated, interconnected, intertwined. The Earth is one sphere. And the people are one people. Even science is on the prowl for a unified field theory of the Cosmos. Einstein sought it.
Our understanding of who we are is primarily the greatest factor in separating humanity. It is also the greatest factor in the feeling or actual circumstance of disconnection from Nature/Earth.
Many seek to alleviate oppression, war, famine, environmental degradation and inequality. However, what is the remedy for all of humanity’s ills? Is it not generated by our understanding of who we are and who others are? If we can understand and realize our sameness, our unity and brilliance, we will be able to build a better future.
We must begin to teach a Cosmic understanding of history, promoting a Cosmic identity, aligned with essential Cosmic principles, derived from Divine origination. Once the teaching of Cosmic Consciousness is placed within a community, fragmentation will decrease and compassion will increase. Understanding the interrelated nature of reality undermines the notion of stereotypes. Reality does not exist in a box or conceptual framework which is neatly separate from other concepts. Life is organic, visceral, raw and spiritual. It breathes…it ebbs and it flows.
In understanding how humanity is embedded in ecosystems and mutually sufficient with many other species, we see that our actions have an effect on all life on Earth. And since Life is sacred, our actions must align with the reality of this Cosmic entanglement and the beauty of our relationships. Is not Love the highest law?

The space in which this Cosmic arising happens, and the eternal expanse of the Beyond, communicates an open field of dreams and possibilities in which each man and woman can explore their interests harmoniously with other aspects of the Cosmos, drawing energy from innovations in ‘other’ fields. For in truth, there is One Field, One Force.
Our culture must become Cosmic Consciousness. This is a liberative culture which embraces the multiplicity of arisings within the One. It appreciates the multitudes of hues, forms and shapes, but recognizes its singular origination and its interconnected sustenance. It is sustained by the One.
We must understand that: humans must unite and coordinate our global affairs to alleviate pollution, poverty, war and oppression. We must unite to overcome global challenges. We must come to the realization of our unity, and the unity of the Cosmos.
This cannot be compelled, but it can be instituted in institutions, especially educational institutions. This embedding in institutions can help to conduce our unity. The New Era on Earth is dependent upon each individual and their commitment to Truth. Each individual must undergo a flowering process to come unto Love and Peace. Each new crop of human beings is precious and must be cared for with tenderness. Each generation shall be handed down the sacred teachings and instructions of Life.
We shall become a Noble people, endowed with the sacred teachings of which will heal planets and grow civilizations. We can heal from the atrocities in our histories, but we must also have a commitment to forgiveness. Our survival depends on our ability to unite and coordinate peacefully. Let us sit at the round table of Truth and speak Grace.
These teachings are transmitted from the Most High, the Supreme Intelligence of the Cosmos…Yahweh, El Elyon.
Of when these teachings are applied in one’s life, there is transformation and blessings. Virtue is like a running brook by a Catskill. It is like a pure fragrance of frankincense. It is like the unforgettable lustre of Gold.
We have everything we need to create a New Order which is respectful, peaceful and prosperous. All the skills, all the resources, all the energy, all the innovation is in existence, but it exists disconnected. The connecter is Cosmic Consciousness. It is compassion. It is Love applied in governance. It is Martin Luther King’s dream realized. It is the New Era which is dawning.
-Johnathan Abraham Antelept- Founder